
My Birthday~~

Today Lolita(萝莉) and 1510W celebrated my birthday.
Same as usual, we sang K first then watched movie.
Well, I almost forgot that someone who birthday will counted free at sing K, then when we're queuing to register, someone in front of us asked if someone birthday, do them have an offer? Then only I remembered, ya..... I'm also birthday at yesterday.... thus, I'm counted free~
Then, we watched "The Amazing Spider Man"!! I want to watch it when I watched "Snow White and The Hunt Man" with Lolita, but it haven't in theatre, so I have already aimed it. 
Luckily today, Lolita also want to watch "The Amazing Spider Man", because most of us want to watch, thus, 1510W is forced to watch it. XD
I think that it's quite nice, the actor is handsome, the actress is pretty, the story line very good, someone thought that it was funny if spider man need the watch to spray the spider web, somehow, I think that it was quite logical, because before the actor bitten by spider, there is a machine making spider web to let the new spider species to reproduce on it, so maybe the actor invent the same concept watch so he can spray spider web, and you have to know that normal human do not produce spider web right?
So, I like the movie~~ :-]
